A recent survey conducted by PERSOLKELLY found that employees working in procurement and supply chain jobs in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region prefer to receive individual rewards rather than team recognition. Could this be something for procurement organisations in the UK to learn from?
The survey found that in nine of the APAC countries, including India, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia, 51% of employees prefer getting individual recognition rather than as a team. The survey included over 9,000 hiring managers across the region.
The findings of the survey are extremely interesting as it may help UK procurement organisations to improve talent retention and attraction.
Nearly 59% in India, 56% in Indonesia and 57% in Thailand laid more emphasis on an individual reward system than a collective one. On the other hand, 48% from Malaysia and Australia and 49% employees from Hong Kong did not give too much importance to individual reward systems in their workplace.
Besides procurement, the other sectors where employees were more likely to support an individual reward system compared to a team one were education, arts and entertainment, and legal industries. Also, nearly 57% of freelancers opine that workers prefer being treated as individuals rather than a team member. In contrast, 53% full-time permanent employees felt that team recognition was more important than individual rewards.
Jessica Ang, Regional Head at PERSOLKELLY, pointed out that the survey demonstrates that employees are becoming more accountable for their roles in their workplace and value work-related autonomy and flexibility. In light of this, employers should realise that these trends are creating a demand for bespoke work experiences. It is only natural that employees will feel more valued if they can work in roles that help them to achieve their individual goals, use their abilities and potential, and also serve to motivate them to perform and work better.
Procurement staff, including procurement interims, will be able to identify with the statements made by Ang. In modern-day procurement departments, with increasing digital transformation, it has become difficult for procurement staff and interims to demonstrate their abilities and potential.
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