If you are trying to find the right procurement talent, you will not succeed if you adopt a single sourcing technique.

You need to have a multi-pronged technique that enables you to check out different sources to find the right procurement talent. 

Besides partnering with a procurement recruitment specialist, CPOs should also use the following methods to find the right-fit professional for the role.


This is the most reliable social media platform for professionals.

You can join procurement-focused groups in LinkedIn to find the right talent.

It allows you to network with like-minded professionals and candidates who are looking for new and exciting opportunities. 


It may come as a surprise to learn that getting referrals from other candidates and professionals can help you find the right-fit candidate for the role you are looking to fill.

You can get referrals not only from acquaintances but also from your own procurement team. 

Search online

Many organisations believe that online posting is futile as high performers do not check online ads for jobs.

However, most high performers constantly update their resume and have their own websites to showcase their talent and achievements.

If you run an online search with the right keywords, you should be able to find procurement talent.

It then depends on how well you sell the role and your organisation to attract the talent. 

CPOs can use these strategies to find the right talent.

On the other hand, if you are a procurement professional and you want to change your job or role, it is best to begin online and offline networking.

Get active on LinkedIn to demonstrate your knowledge, and also get in touch with your friends and ex-colleagues who are in the same line of work.

That way, when an opportunity presents itself, you will be first in line or at least among the first few to be shortlisted. 

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