If you are taking a long time to finish the procurement recruitment process, you will lose good candidates. Such candidates do not stay in the talent pool for long, as your competition will end up making them an offer that they cannot resist. Therefore, if your recruitment process is long-drawn and convoluted, it will hinder the procurement process in the organisation. Also, you should keep in mind that when you don’t get access to the top talent, you may end up with candidates who need to be trained, which costs the organisation money and may prevent you from achieving your goals.
Here are a few things you can do to streamline the procurement recruitment process:
Shorten the interview process
Recent research shows that, on average, 28.9 days will pass from the first day of connecting with the talent until they are on-boarded. While you may have a set of internal rules and policies that you must follow, taking almost a month to complete the interview process is too long. Instead, as a CPO, you should try to conclude it within a few days. If you cannot find the ideal candidate, you should not hesitate to hire procurement interims to ensure your work does not get held up. The key is to finish the interview process quickly once you have identified the right talent.
Reorganise the procurement recruitment process
To get the right talent, organisations should focus on reorganising the recruitment process. If it cannot be done in-house, companies should work with procurement recruitment agencies. Remember, you get 14 days from the initial contact with a candidate to snap them up. If you miss this 14-day window, your competition will come and take them away. So, if you are plagued with work, it makes sense to collaborate with a specialist procurement recruiter who finds the best procurement talent for you without wasting valuable time.