Interviews can be difficult but assuming you’ve done your homework on the company and the job these tips will help you begin with a powerful presence to win trust and get noticed.


Research and write down a few questions that you think the interviewer might ask you for example Can you tell me about your previous job? Can you demonstrate how you have made savings in your last role? Then rehearse some sample answers.

Make a few bullet points instead of writing full scripts so you can look over them on the lead up to the interview.

In addition think about important experience that you have had that you would really like the interviewer to know about.

Finally, Think about some good questions that you could ask the interviewer to show that you are interested in the job role and the company for example, How many employees are in the procurement department? or Who will i be reporting directly too?


If you get nervous before or during an interview the best thing to do is take a minute breathe, look and begin. This should help you start or continue in control.

If you find yourself talking quickly when nervous make yourself speak a little slower at the very start and if need be take a minute breathe and continue. The most important thing is to stay in control.

Body Language

Creating a good first impression is not only defined by what you wear but also your body language. Before you have even said a word your body language has been noticed. Positive body language typically means having an open, upright posture with shoulders down and back.

Your body language can be improved by reducing tension in your body. Typically, in interviews people feel tension in their jaw, throat, shoulders or stomach. As part of your interview preparation try gently massaging your jaw and throat, rolling your shoulders and breathing slowly into your tummy. If all else fails resort back to the section on nerves, take a minute to breathe.


The very first word out of your mouth will mean the interviewer has started to form judgements about your character and suitability for the job. In less than a second the energy, pitch and emotion of that single word tells the reviewer whether they trust you and whether they like you. If they form a positive initial impression this is generally what they think of you throughout the interview.

Start speaking with passion, energy and an authoritative voice from the very first word. Good articulation gets you noticed.  The current generation are lazy when they speak and don’t make the best use of their jaw, lips and tongue to give clear, dynamic speech. Tongue twisters said out loud will get your articulators working.

The purpose of working on voice and body language is to show recruiters your best self and establish strong personal impact within ten seconds.

Finally, smile and relax. According to research by healthcare entrepreneur Ron Gutman a smile can help you feel more confident, look good to others and even help you live longer.

Good luck.

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