As supply chain jobs go, few are more stellar than the Chief Supply Chain Officer at a Fortune 100 industrial software giant – a status that has now been bestowed on Torsten Pilz, who has been appointed to that very role by Honeywell Inc.

Pilz comes with a glittering CV, having formerly been a senior supply chain executive (vice president) at Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies Corp (SpaceX) for 18 months and at Inc, where he spent three years as VP of worldwide operations overseeing a raft of business endeavours including Prime Pantry and Amazon Fresh.

Young professionals aspiring to the more prestigious and challenging procurement jobs might do well to note Pilz’s career progression. Before Space X and Amazon, he worked for eight years in Germany at the chemical and consumer goods colossus Henkel AG & Company. He eventually became Head of Global Operations for its beauty care division. During his time there, he pioneered Henkel’s efforts to outsource its North American logistics operations, engaging a third-party logistics provider to manage all relationships with logistics and shipping suppliers.

He arrives at Honeywell at a challenging moment. The company has recently seen freight costs soaring and has been spending unprecedented sums on shipping, a predicament facing most US manufacturers at present.

Pilz’s newly created role will see him shouldering responsibilities for the company’s integrated supply chain, including procurement, as well as pushing through improvements in plant efficiency and working capital.

Welcoming Mr Pilz to the firm, Honeywell’s CEO and Chairman Darius Adamczyk emphasised that Honeywell’s future growth rested critically on its integrated supply chain, adding: “Torsten has a track record over the past two decades of driving operational improvements and delivering outstanding results for a variety of companies with complex global supply chains. He is the right person to help Honeywell continue our transformation into a premier software-industrial company by simplifying our manufacturing footprint and enhancing our ability to execute with speed and precision across our operations.”

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